Thursday, March 2, 2017

For Freedom A Cost Must Be Paid

       I loved and tried and dreamed. My supportive family were always behind me and always will be. Should I say SOME family.  Also, please remember family is not always blood.  I beg all teens of this world to think, at least as long as their extension span and hormones hold out!  
     I have turned into Dr. Brown-Still and Miss Auntie Ashley (as opposed to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde).  The only dreams I sometimes have left are for my family's success and happiness, my freedom to sleep in any room I wish (same with trying to have my God and Music therapy), and to feel any freedom but at least freedom from unnecessary questions and walking on egg shells and being able to not fear an inevitable confrontation because I am required to be in whichever room someone else is in. The cost to pay is too high some days. The cost is sanity, self-questioning, at least when you hear them say they are by themselves hatefully and tell you they are alone so they are just going to bed and throw their hands in the air as all I do is listen to music and write, well you end up with that other person staring down the business end of a hissy fit!  Freedom always costs.  Peace and be free!

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